About Us

Naomi Naomi McCallister is a 24-year-old sous chef who enjoys vandalising bus stops, glamping and photography. She is kind and inspiring, but can also be very standoffish and a bit selfish.

She is Australian who defines herself as gay. She has a degree in food science. She has a severe phobia of worms

Physically, Naomi is in good shape. She is very short with brown skin, grey hair and brown eyes. She has a birthmark on her forehead.

She grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. After her mother died when she was young, she was raised by her father

She is currently in a relationship with Rhianna Vivian O’Doherty. Rhianna is the same age as her and works as a kitchen assistant.

Naomi’s best friend is a sous chef called Chloe O’Moore. They are inseparable. She also hangs around with Rebekah Knight and Chantelle Taylor. They enjoy theatre together.